AMRWolf AGA & Dent A Wolf / DentECTS / Dentaku-26 AGA

Amiga Games That Werent dips into the deep pool of unreleased Wolfenstein 3D and Doom clone engines on the Amiga:

Alastair M. Robinsons AMRWolf is an early texture-mapped and ray casting engine created using the Amigas Copper Chunky mode and a combination of AMOS Pro and machine code. Alastair returns to the pages of aGTW to talk about his engine.

Alex Amsel, of XTreme Racing fame, discusses his Dent A Wolf / DentECTS / Dentaku-26 engine. Two versions of the engine exist; a basic release intended to attract fellow developers and a more advanced version for publishers to view at the European Computer Trade Show (ECTS).

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