A short post about Simon Cooke’s SAM Coupe contributions. His unreleased contributions include Populous(incomplete), Bubble Bobble (unattainable license, 1991), Zub (link to download from there – unfinished, but screenshots exist).
Unrelated to Sam Coupe but of great importance is that he worked on a finished cool-looking (at least judging from shots) Prince of Persia conversion to Spectrum that got scrapped due to licence issues, this is a different one from the Russian adaptation made later by another team.
Downloadable version is here: https://www.worldofsam.org/products/zub-demo
Hi Nige, many thanks – the link is already set in the post under Zub. I’ll highlight it a bit better though.
Cooke released what he had of Zub years ago: the title screen, map, then into ‘gameplay’, which is just the character himself walking left and right and jumping in a completely barren level.
Thanks for confirming Tom, do you have a download link that we could possibly add to the article?