That was the Mega-CD Game That Wasnt

Its time to finally lay the rumor to bed. There wasn’t a Mega CD version of the classic game, Cannon Fodder.

The rumors have existed since the days of the Megadrive and have never really be confirmed or denied one way or another. Some people claim to have seen adverts for it and its always been hoped one day something would leak out into the internet to prove its existence.

Sadly, it is not to be.

In the pursuit of my investigations about this GTW I managed to contact Jon Hare of Sensible Software fame, who kindly replied saying he knew nothing about a planned Mega CD version of Cannon Fodder.

According to Games That Werent’s very own Frank Gasking, Jon was often involved in the conversions of a game by Sensible Software onto other platforms, either overseeing them or coding them himself.

Taking that into account then, it makes it highly unlikely that Cannon Fodder ever existed in some form for the Mega CD. Its still possible it was mooted at some point, perhaps even announced on an advertisement for the game on other platforms. It wouldn’t be the first time a game was advertised as coming soon before it had even been started.

But unless Jon’s memory has tricked him (or he wasn’t involved in early discussions) it looks like Cannon Fodder for the Mega-CD is a ghost that can finally be put to rest.

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4 Responses to That was the Mega-CD Game That Wasnt

  1. If cannon fodder had been out for the mega cd, it would of been a very late release, since the megadrive version came out in 95/96. Same would of went for Worms which was a similarly late megadrive release.
    The last PAL mega cd game seems to be Batman and Robin, although promo copies of myst and wirehead should be out there somewhere…

    I’m more surprised that a mega cd version of lemmings wasn’t released, considering that it was out for the 3DO, megadrive and even the commodore CDTV!

  2. Thanks James, interesting that it was advertised at the time. It does suggest it was planned at some point but presumably couldn’t have gotten very far without Jon’s knowledge.

  3. Thanks for the article Alex. I was researching the very same thing – evidence of a Sega Mega CD version of Cannon Fodder.

    The reason for my research is on the basis I can confirm – but sadly no longer evidence – the fact it was advertised for the Mega CD in a gaming catalogue order book. I was so excited to see it being released and quickly placed it on order.

    Obviously – as we all now know – it never did make an appearance on the platform and my order was eventually cancelled. I was gutted.

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