Armalyte and Hawkeye early protos

Just a very quick post to share a few pre-release versions of Hawkeye and Armalyte. Nothing to get too excited about, and the Hawkeye version has already been put out last year – just slightly under the radar. The purpose of this post is merely to highlight them and make them available. Here they are to download.

The Hawkeye bits seem to be review copies, and also a slightly pre-release version which has a distinct difference of a grey main character on the title screen – but Jeroen Tel tunes with slightly differing instrument sounds. The in-game tune in particular sounds quite different on one of the disks. Unfortunately one demo does not load at all, and the final verison seems to be what was sent out to magazines (with no real differences).

Armalyte is additionally interesting, as one version has no title screen at all – but some cool circle effects and option to select players. There may be some slightly different sprites used, but that is all.

Another disk has the option to select from 4 levels – only one seems to load in correctly though, and has some odd sound effects in places.

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