Atari ST protos recovered from Mark R. Jones disks

Over the last week, various prototypes have been saved from a bunch of disks which were found by Mark R Jones, which include the following (clickable links to Atari Mania pages):

Some of the demos were recovered by Mark himself, and the rest were salvaged by the guys at Atari Mania, who have now made all the prototypes available for download (after Mark gave the thumbs up). Fantastic work to all involved!

Starquake 2 is arguably the star of the show in the recoveries, and shows a very promising early demo in action. Unfortunately it was cancelled after both Mark and Paul Hughes were called up to work on Flood 2 – which you can read more about here.

It is hoped that Flood 2 could actually be next on the list, with a demo disk in the hands of Paul Hughes which hopefully still reads after all this time.

Check them out via the links above!

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