Lost Freescape demo games and bits

Not really an unreleased game, but some bits and bobs that could be nice to save if they still exist.

Looking at the preview screens in Zzap for the 3D Construction Kit, as well as an earlier editor kit, there is a hospital ward scene using a very early edition of the editor. Both Andrew Fisher and Robin Gravel confirmed the hospital scene was from Castle Master (which may have been a demonstration of the tool’s power)


As I cocked up with the Castle Master inclusion, I may as well add the CF office screens that were produced. No doubt long gone and just done quickly to accompany a review.

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4 Responses to Lost Freescape demo games and bits

  1. Frank,

    might intrest you to know that when 3D Construction Kit was promoted in Amstrad Action and Amstrad Computer User, they too showed the Castle Master hospital room (CPC shot) plus the dragon from the same game.

  2. Could be possible Castle Master would be included with 3d construction kit in early stage but they decided to make a whole game unstead?

    There is a hospital room in Castle Master.

    • Good spot guys – was indeed in Castle Master. As Merman says, the interface is slightly different so i’ll keep that in. May as well add the CF shots for something a bit different, maybe adding others if we find screenshots for missing 3DCK projects.

  3. Actually, I believe that room is from Castle Master. It does look like a different version of the kit interface though – coloured blue rather than grey.

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