GTW64 Christmas update 2014

Welcome to our yearly Christmas update, which seems to have come round far too quick. Due to how the site gets more regularly updated, this year we had no backlog for the first time in years!

This meant new content was hard to come by. We have some brand new findings for you as usual, but the rest has been a trawl through the excellent Gamebase 64 to create a ton of new entries. Enjoy the updates, now i’m off to enjoy the festive booze!…

Boxing Manger 2 recovered and released!

Thanks to John Christian Lønningdal, we are very happy to see Boxing Manager 2 fully preserved at long last. Reviewed in Commodore Format, it was uncertain whether the game had been released, and now this confirms it indeed was, but in limited numbers

Boxing Manager 2

6 unseen previews by Cory Kin added

We have been sifting through more development disks from Cory Kin, and have uncovered some more very cool early previews. Highlights include Ah-Type and Vertical Shooter. Check them out!

Ah Type, Badminton game, Unknown shooter, Unknown platformer game, Uridium clone, Vertical shooter

Unknown vertical scroller game found

A bizarre and early vertically scrolling game, based in some urban area has been added. It’s very early, but one for us to do some digging on…

Vertical scroller

Unknown beat-em up sprites found (Carlo)

Is it the start of a sideway scrolling beat-em-up like Renegade? We found a sprite set called “Carlo”, and it seems to be something new. Do you know what it is?


94 other new entries added

Mostly a raid of the previews section of Gamebase 64, we have gradually started adding more previews into GTW64. Part of an ongoing project!

3D Roam, Black Knight 2, Blackshagger, Blown Away for $50, Bounch!, Boxes, Boxing game, Brickout, Brickwall, Busta, Candyman, Cola Quest, Crystalopis, Cyberiad, Cyberworm, Deep in Space, Detroit Invader, Dozo Quest, Dr Bongo’s Safari Park, Dump, Dungeons, Empire Vision, Evasion, Eye Of The Beholder, Fantastic Voyage, Find the Pair!, Football Manager 97, Freewheel Burning, Futris, Galago, Galaxy Cop, Genocide, Get Ready, Griffin, Grubz, Infer, Jump, Kill Him, King Of The Road, Mafia Warz, Mega Moto, Mezzo-Tint, MiniDon, Mission X, Moonspell, Moonstone, Move It!, Move Out, Mr Wong’s Loopy Laundry, Mystery, Nefarious, Nitro, Now Shoot, On Table, One Man Army, Phantasm and Fantasy, Phantom Rider, Preview Game, Project Sparkk, Prometheus, Prototype, Rem Force, Sector, Sky-Jack, Skylight, Snoopy 2, Snow Bros, Sokoban, Sonic The Hedgehog, Space Killer, Spectral Sneer, Speed, Spider Chase, Sput, Squelc, Squid, Star Scaper, Stone, Stoned, Story of Captain Hook, Super Ball 2, Super Bouncer, TWO, Telecommando, The Attack of the Blue Bomber, The SuperCan, Toms Revenge, Trailrunner, Vitrus, Watch It, Who Fried My Concorde, Xoanon Reptilia, Xytris – The Game

33 updates added

And finally a series of existing entry updates, based on recent contributions and findings. Gold Train in particular is pretty interesting!

Autoguard, C64GS cartridge titles, Castle Capers, Charlie Chaplin, Cop Out, Death Blow, Djinn, Enterprise, Evolution Cryser, Force Of Four, Future Shock, Gold Train, Goreemium, Gunboat, Here and there with the Mr Men, Italian Night 99, Kid Saviour, Last Ninja V1, Lost Maze, Mega Twins, Megatree, Mindsmear, Paranoid, Rhyme Land, Rick Dangerous 3, Samber 2, Samurai Warrior V1, Scooby Doo, The Great Space Race, The Ninja Eggs, The Soul Gem Of Martek, The Tripods, Venom Blazer

And that is it! We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year, and we hope to keep bringing you new findings well into 2015. This of course is a project which has no end in sight! :)

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