GTW September digest

Sorry it’s been a while! Currently working on other projects, but GTW64 has been ticking over in the background – and since our last major update – the following has been added and updated below.

Also, yesterday was a year since Daffy Duck was released to the world. Where did the time go? Sadly no “Murder!” just yet to follow things up, but keep the faith! :)

15 new entries added

Abyss Zone, Aliens, Blaster Twins, Bomb Mania 2, Bongo King, Commando Libya – part 2, Final Lap, Freebooter, Heroquest V1, Karate, Mythos, Pet Person, Race with the Devil, Scarabaeus 2, Space Invadaz

38 updates added

Armalyte V1, Astaroth: Angel Of Death, Attack On Centralis, Baja Buggies, Beavers, C64GS cartridge titles, Chicago, Custodian, Cyber Tank, Dork’s Dilemma, Dynablaster, Edward Randy, Enterprise, Escape From Colditz, Flashpoint, Forbidden Planet, Gargantuan, Graeme Souness Vector Soccer, Habitat, Hydrogenese, London Exchange, Maelstrom, Mag Max V1, Mario Bros, Paddle Mania, Piper Software games, Purple Saturn Day, Quadrillion, Quondam, Restrictor, Roadstar Xri, Robin Hood, Tangram, The City of Ehdollah, Tour De Force, Tycoon Tex, Up Up And Away, Zorro In Wonderland

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