Alligata Masters and Maniacs SFX bits

Just a quick post to put back up the Alligata Master disks and Maniacs of Noise SFX files that we had on the old site. It seemed a shame they were tucked away out of sight – so here they are again below. Some basic details follow for each.

Way back in 2005, James Grayson contacted GTW and informed us that he some years back bought a box full of Alligata labelled floppies at a boot fair in Sheffield. A quick photo of some of the disks showed that there was possibly about 5 GTW’s there waiting to be archived. James kindly loaned GTW all of the disks to try and archive what it could in the hope of finding more GTW titles. Disks were sadly in such poor condition from their previous owner, that they would not read properly and required a week’s worth of careful cleaning and restoration to get reading again. Here are all of what we found below in the zip archive. Scans follow in the gallery.

With the Maniacs of SFX files – these were found thanks to disk copying by Pete (Myth) Baron. Due to his work with the Maniacs Of Noise with Myth, they MoN had sent Pete a disk load of music and SFX previews. Unknown to Pete, on this disk were a number of SFX demos never heard before. This included rare SFX for 2400AD and Nighthunter, but also some unused SFX in a selection of released titles like Myth and Outrun Europe. Disk image below:




Alligata disk scans

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4 Responses to Alligata Masters and Maniacs SFX bits

  1. I can confirm the Pandora stuff contains John Stevenson’s handwriting on. We worked together on Pub Games and I still have loads of stuff with his handwriting on. A lot of the other disks contain Pete Friths handwriting on. My mother passed away recently and while going through the stash of computer related stuff still stored there, I found a massive collection of this type of stuff, a lot dating back to the Alligata days. I will, at some point, get some of the stuff photographed and posted on here.

    • Thanks Rich, if you need any assistance with preserving any C64 formatted disks or similar – please do get in touch. I’m on Facebook if you want to send me a message.

      Very sorry to hear about your mother as well and the circumstances for digging these kinds of things out.

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