Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends

1999 Runecraft

Platform: Sony PlayStation

A short entry for what was to be an educational based title created for the Sony PlayStation by Runecraft around 1999 time, based on the famous children’s series.

Thanks to lead artist David Tolley, we are able to show you a brief glimpse of some of the game assets (and quick photos of the design document) that David recovered recently from an old hard-drive.

The characters and backgrounds were modelled from the children’s books, but according to David, the game never got very far at all. Just a few test demos were made showing the graphics moving about – one of the screens we’re about to show is of the test engine.


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4 Responses to Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends

  1. Hi
    This game would be perfect for my grandson who has autism
    Will it be released on ps4 as a game please
    Thank you

    • Hi Vivienne, i’m afraid this was a game abandoned a long time ago. There aren’t any other Thomas games on the PS4, but there are a large number of kids games like Paw Patrol, and also the Lego themed games too. Sorry about that!

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