Green Lantern

1991-1995 Ocean Software

Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, SEGA Mega Drive and Super Nintendo

As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are gradually adding assets and content that didn’t make it to print as bonus content to share with you. The book contains a detailed 14-page full story about the game’s various developments, talking to many people involved in the different iterations undertaken. Check out our growing Bonus Content page for more materials added over time.

Below are a selection of character concept sketches, sprites and screenshots, most never seen until now, which have been kindly provided thanks to artists Mike Marshall, Ray Coffey, John Lomax and John Reitze to share with you.

We have also recently added saved SPC files for the music (just 2 segments seem to be present) from the recovered prototype, which you can download below.

SPC music save

Video footage

Previously unseen video footage of the 3rd iteration, via a collaboration with Liam Robertson (“Game History Secrets”), DidYouKnowGaming? and Unseen64.

Concept sketches

SNES screenshots from 3rd and final iteration

Emulation screens from the brief final iteration by Bobby Earl. Please note, even though we are getting regular requests, at this moment in time we are not allowed to release the ROM recovered. The key thing is that it is safe and preserved, and it is hoped the situation will change in time.

SNES sprite assets

Click some of the screens to see the animations running converted from .ANN files.

Other assets and related images

Various SNES related magazine scans

During our book write-up research, we purchased issues of Edge, Super Gamer and Games World to try and carry out as hi-res scanning of some screenshots as we could to potentially print in the book (but never did in the end). Other scans were found via other online magazine archives such as and Abandonware Magazines.

08/08/20 – Additional scans added thanks to Daniel Nicaise, which show one of the other Mode 7 levels. Some scans give details about the second iteration itself.

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5 Responses to Green Lantern

  1. Hi, i understand that for reasons you cannot release the ROM, but i wanted to ask if it was possible to dump the .spc files? (music files of the game).
    As the only recordings of it are compressed mp3s on youtube and i would really like to have the original files.

      • The two SPCs in question are of the same song raw data-wise, just dumped at different points. The sound driver build used is the same one as Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues, and there are even leftover assets found in the SPC file from that game. For whatever reason, there seems to be an outright memory overflow on the sample data, if only barely: the very last sample is missing six bytes due to running into the end of the SPC700 RAM.

  2. The two pages preview are from GameFan magazines Vol. 3 issue 5 from May ’95. I sent long ago others scans from magazines showing others pics from the second iteration to Liam Robertson thanks to Wayback machine. I still have two of them and I could find the rest if you want. Tell me if you are interested.


    • Hi Dan, feel free to send anything over if you like and I can add them quickly to the gallery. Thanks for that, and thanks for the magazine confirmation – completely forgot to make a note at the time where I found them.

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