Tomb Raider Anniversary

2006 Core Design

Platform: PlayStation Portable

Just a short post for now to share details of Core Design’s cancelled version of Tomb Raider Anniversary (thanks to Ken Knight for the heads up). To summarize, for the 10th anniversary – Core Design were doing a new remake, but was shut down by Crystal Dynamics. More details about the history of the development can be found here:

As well as tons of information here:

From the development, a hard-drive was donated with various assets and code to Ash Kaprielov, a huge fan of all things Tomb Raider related and who manages the wonderful site above.

Permission was then sought from Crystal Dynamics by Ash, and no response was given. Ash was after help to sign a petition to try and allow for the release of remains of the development to the fans.

On the last day of 2020, it has been decided to release all the assets onto with a takedown policy note on the site:

After just a day or so, a playable build was made, which you can find above. Amazing to see and finally see the game running after all these years!

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