Alien Breed Tower Assault early screens and unused assets

Following on from Grzegorz Antosiewicz’s recent asset differences post for Alien Breed 3D, comes a set for Alien Breed Tower Assault.

Amiga Power 1994 10 demo 7

Grzegorz summarizes the following differences to the final game, which you can check out in the gallery below.

“I gathered screenshots from two demos by Amiga Power and The One magazine. The first demo has two maps with a unique layout based on the “Engineering and Storage” section, with two bonus marketing screen shots which show two player gameplay, some text and big bosses – see screens (1)(12). The Second demo just has one map based on Engineering section, no bonus screen shots on the end.

Pictures from “amiga cd32 issue1.jpg” and “Clipboard19″ are from an early version of the animated intro, same goes for Clipboard 00 and 01. In final version Team17 staff made intro with both real life actors (Team17 workers themselves) and 3d rendered animations/backgrounds. Clipboard 21 is probably concept-art or early version picture of towers you have to explore in the game. Clipboard 05 showcases an unused giant robot on floor.”


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