Dizzy Returns

2013 Blitz Games

Platforms: Microsoft Xbox 360, Mobile, Nintendo Wii U, PC and Sony PlayStation 3

As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are  adding assets and content that didn’t make it to print as bonus DLC content to share with you.

Dizzy and associated characters and images are © The Oliver Twins and Codemasters. “Dizzy” is a trademark of Codemasters. (c) 1986 – 2020.

Within the book is an in-depth and detailed 12 page story of the Dizzy Returns project, and what should have been Dizzy’s triumphant return for both new and audiences back in 2013, but was just not to be. We talk to creators Andrew and Philip Oliver and artists Duncan (Dunk) Nimmo and Nick Myles about their vision for the game and the failed Kickstarter which prevented the game from being fully started.

Dizzy Env02
Location concept for the game.

Whilst doing our research, Philip very kindly provided a lot of materials that were produced during the Kickstarter campaign, including character concepts and ideas for levels. Many of which we couldn’t squeeze into book, so Philip has very kindly allowed us to add assets and plan documents here for you to check out below.

If have enjoyed this piece and want to check out more and support us, please check the full book at https://www.bitmapbooks.com/products/the-games-that-werent. Also, you can now get the Oliver Twin’s collection of games (including many Dizzy games) on the Evercade via https://evercade.co.uk/cartridges/the-oliver-twins-collection/

The Oliver Twins discuss the project

Resources (PDF)


Game areas
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One Response to Dizzy Returns

  1. I am not an expert, but I think they fail Kickstarter because they lack actually working prototype or some gameplay demo to show people. They presented only few concepts arts and descriptions. Those concepts arts graphics looks very nice. Similar situation was with James Pond Kickstarter project. It would be easier if there were already have something to show how game is going to look in action.

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