
2003 Realism Studios

Platform: Nintendo Game Boy Advance

As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are  adding assets and content that didn’t make it to print as bonus DLC content to share with you.

Within the book is an in-depth and detailed 10 page story about the Game Boy Advance conversion of Tork. We talk to head of Realism Studios, Andy Onions, developer Neil Millstone and artist Michael Smith about the development, which at one stage overtook the XBox development due to the efficiency of the Realism team.


The game would utilize an isometric approach, giving something akin to Sonic 3D Blast, and mixing in with some neat 3D sub sections, including Nebulus inspired levels. Getting to a 60+ % completion status, an overhaul at THQ would result in the GBA project being canned shortly after.

Whilst doing the writeup for the book, we were given exclusive access to the final prototype to make a video and also take screenshots for the book. So here is one of the first proper looks at the final game at the point of cancellation, so you can see for yourself just how promising this title was.



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