Roll Call

2005 SCi

Platforms: Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Xbox

A short entry to cover an earlier incarnation of Eidos Iteractive’s Urban Chaos: Riot Response. The game began life as a sequel to SWAT: Global Team Strike, before evolving into Roll Call.

SCi would rescue the project after the collapse of Argonaut and later be released under the above name. Thanks to Hidden Palace, there are already early prototypes of the game in its earlier incarnations which you can find here:

Recently in October 2021, we were provided with a Qualitative Game Evaluation on Roll Call dated June 2005. By this stage, SCi were involved. Check it out below:

The document aimed to review the current build and specifics of the title so far, plus the name of the game to come up with something more fitting. This was done by having four extended group discussions lasting two hours, with one-hour gameplay.

It is a fascinating look at the development process and how the game was viewed at that point in time, as well as the decisions that led to its eventual renaming to Urban Chaos: Riot Response.

This is pretty much why we have created this prototype entry so far, but if anything else relating to the game surfaces like this – then we will continue to add and update this page.

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