GTW64 Xmas 2021 update

Thank you to everyone for their continued support to Games That Weren’t this past year, as we conclude with our yearly update (and larger than our usually monthly update). Plenty to digest and check out and hope you enjoy it!

Gyro Shoc released

A little Christmas present to you all, thanks to Sailor and Taper of Triad. This is a game based loosely on ideas from Dropzone and Wizball, and was developed by Chris Young.


This release and update is dedicated to our friend Jason Kelk, who passed away in June this year and who was originally going to tidy up the game for GTW to release.

Gyro Shoc

Rare Vale of Shadows glimpse

Paul Marshall has recently uploaded an amazing video of M.C. Lothlorien from around 1988 time. In the background was the late Martin Holland, and also on show a (albeit blurry) glimpse at his Vale of Shadows work. Something we thought would never be seen again.

Vale of Shadows

38 new entries added

We continue to expand the archive with 38 brand-new entries with a series of submissions from contributors and pulling a bunch of previews in which have been around for a while now.

3D Starfighter3DCK missing games4 Emelet7DShootAnother KingdomAvoiditicBoostCold DevilCoreCrazy Carson CousinsCyclone BlowerExcaliburGapeKnightshiftMoses: Old Testament Adventure #1PloppPrime TimePrincess of DarkPushover64RISK! V1Real Speed We NeedSaperSecret of Robert RoySigma WingSpace OutSpace ShooterSpy vs Spy II V1Super Mario BrosSuper StardustThe Fallen – Special EditionThink TwiceTuSh – Tube ShootersWar DealWho CarezWhole Brain Spelling seriesXaneYloa’s ComplexZe-III

37 updates added

Then finally we have carried out a large number of updates for 37 other titles, adding information, tidying up and adding scans. Hopefully this may flag up some titles you haven’t seen before from the archives.

AnnaBatman ReturnsBorn In SpaceChoppermanClod JumperCommodore JuicerDaffy DuckDeadlockDeath PitDeathstalkerDevious DesignsDr Who and the WarlordDungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists ‘n Everythin’Evolution CryserFungus 2Game Got No NameHabitatHex-BertJudge DeathLord Mc SunMattie Goes MiningMike The DragonMission JupiterMurder!NetherOrcusPanic ButtonPeople from SiriusPhantom ClubQrazy QberRip OffScramble 2010Stoo Fotheringham art assetsTamagotchiThe Lost WorldWorronXiphoid

Phew! Well, that is it for yet another year and the archive continues to grow and grow. We hope to have a lot more findings again for you next year.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Games That Weren’t

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