Speed Type

1982 Commodore

Platform: Commodore Vic 20

A short entry for a title that we are not 100% certain at this stage was ever started, but has featured for years on the Ward Shrake Vapourware list.

The list contains a number of cartridge numbers which the actual intended title was unknown: Vic-1903, Vic-1934, Vic-1936, Vic-1940.  It was suspected that one of them could have been this game, and another Space Vultures which we also have listed in the archive.

This name was taken from the back of an original VIC-20 box, but nothing has since been seen. We assume that this particular cartridge would have been a typing tutor game of some kind. If you know anything more, please do get in touch.

With thanks to Fabrizio Bartoloni for highlighting.

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