The Mind Possessing Aliens from Hyperspace

1991 Demonware

Platforms: Commodore Amiga, C64 (see link below) and PC

Originally we knew of this game thanks to its appearance in an Early Warning scanner in Commodore Format magazine. This was for the C64 edition, which we have covered already under the C64 GTW archive site. Our focus for this page is for the Amiga and PC editions which are also currently missing.

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The basic story line was of a Mad Doctor Von Stal discovering a way to send people into hyperspace, but hasn’t worked out how to get them back. But also how to stop the flood of monsters coming through the opening he’s created and are taking over people’s minds.

You control private investigator Winston Cherkas, whose faithful friend Spiff has been kidnapped by aliens. You must investigate and put an end to all the goings on, as well as rescue your friend.

Games X magazine did a sneak preview of the title – showing Amiga screenshots of a game which looked pretty good overall. The game was depicted as a RPG, with a control system similar to the Ultima series, with a click and point icon system used to maneuver the characters in the game.

The game was also compared to “Heart of China”, “Rise of the Dragon”, “It Came From The Desert” and “Monkey Island” – with control of the game accomplished by using a series of pre-determined expressions and commands that could be cycled through and selected.

Contributor Daniel for the C64 page found that German magazine Playtime 91/1 had a feature about Demonware. There, they suggest that the game would have a “50s Film-Noir”/”B-Movie” style with Retro Future of the 1950s.

Amiga Joker magazine went into a bit more detail, suggesting that the game would cover around just under 10 disks in total, featuring a lavish intro sequence and tons of large graphic screens. there would also be around 20 pieces of music that would play throughout.

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So what happened? It seems Demonware closed their doors around 1993, though was that the reason the game never saw release? Or could there be other reasons that we are yet to discover. Perhaps it was found to be far too costly for the company, especially with the prospect of around 10 disks.

Hopefully we can soon hear from some ex-employees about game and the others. If you know anything more about this game, please do get in touch.

With thanks to Karl Kuras for suggesting the title, Amiga Magazine Rack for some of the scans and Stephen Stuttard for the CU Amiga snippet.


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