adidas Championship Football -recovered

Only a few copies were ever sold of adidas Championship Football in France by Ocean Software. A handful of copies were known to exist, but were yet to be preserved. This changed on the 22nd March thanks to Galahad, with yet another great preservation effort.


Over at the English Amiga Board, Galahad revealed that the game was secured via Paul Badham (@MrBads_Games) who brought the game on Ebay with the hope that it was the Amiga edition (but thinking it probably wasn’t).

Turns out it was, and was bought for the cheap price of £4.99!  After some negotiations, the game was kindly passed over for preservation, and which you can now play for yourself.

More details can be found at the original EAB post about the recovery, and details about the game itself on Hall of Light’s entry. The download can be found below.

Unfortunately the Atari ST version is still at large, so it is hoped that some day this too will surface.

With thanks to Codetapper for the heads up.



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2 Responses to adidas Championship Football -recovered

  1. Sadly Adidas Championship Football is really lousy, and I can’t believe Amiga Action gave this rubbish 69%! I honestly don’t think anyone would bother loading this up more than once just to see what the fuss was all about. Atari ST owners are missing nothing by not having this game for their system.

  2. Good finding. Amiga Power issue 18’s feature on unreleased games mentioned that it was released in France but not the UK, to the extent I’d thought about it I assumed it would have been located and distributed long ago. I’d always assumed that Ocean cancelled it because it wasn’t good enough, and I guess the missing ST version will be identical to the Amiga one.

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