Chevy Tech 1987 disk

A slightly obscure title now for the archive in the form of a Chevrolet advertisement disk, which has a series of prices and specifications for different Chevrolet vehicles.


8-Bit Show and Tell have previously covered the disk and its various formats, and look at an 1986 edition of the disk, which even contains a game called Depreciation Derby. This particular disk seems to be a 1987 edition with a different loading screen and music.

It is with huge thanks to Allan Pinkerton for preserving, so that we can make it available. It’s an interesting curiosity, and at the very least another SID tune for HVSC :-)

With thanks to Allan Pinkerton for preserving and sharing!



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2 Responses to Chevy Tech 1987 disk

  1. Oh! I’m curious!

    …but the link is not working. Or actually, it is, but it’s an empty ZIP file, itself only 22 bytes. While we’re waiting for the fix ;) some info, hope I won’t digress much:

    There’s another version called “Chevytech ’88”: – Being a HVSC member myself (listed on the top in DOCUMENTS\HVSC.txt), I ripped its tune in 2015:

    At first I thought the 1988 version and the GTW64 version would be the same, but no: The title screenshot differs and the menu logo doesn’t say “’88”.

    Btw, the music routine of Chevytech 1985 and 1988 is the same as in Pole Position, Sporting News Baseball, World Games and many others:
    Most of them were developed by a company (near Detroit?) called “K-Byte”, and the name of Steve Mage is in both World Games (plain sight) and Cheyvtech ’88 (in BASIC). I never really could google the K-Byte members much, though…

    • Hi Professor Chaos! All fixed – I had tried to make the zip, but the file was attached to Vice. Then forgot to fix it afterwards before uploading! :D Should be good now.

      Ah that is very interesting about the SID credit and the K-Byte link! Hopefully Steve can be tracked down some time and shed some light on the other games.

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