Unnamed Psygnosis Soccer game

1993 Psygnosis

Platform: Super Nintendo

Sometimes Games That Weren’t get tagged in social media onto certain posts where others highlight unreleased games, and this was the case with our next entry – an unnamed Psygnosis Soccer game for the Super Nintendo.

soccer shot1

Nintendo Magazine System gave what seemed to be an exclusive preview in issue 14 of their magazine in November 1993, showing screenshots of the game running. The game seems to be played from a side-on viewpoint, but using Mode-7 to give a tilted 3D perspective and have the camera move up and down with the players.

At this point, there was no name given to the game, and according to the preview the game was still a little rough around the edges and nowhere near complete. However, it was reported to be very fast and playing rather smart and the magazine suggested that it could be one to watch for.

The game disappeared after that point, and there seems to be no other mentions about the project. It could be that further previews were shown, and under an actual name.

We asked Richard Browne (who was working at Psygnosis around the same time) about the game. It vaguely rang a bell, but nothing more. After discussing with other colleagues, they suggested that it *might* have been a game that was in development by Rage, but can’t be sure after all this time.

If you know of more information about the game or magazine snippets, please do get in touch.

With thanks to @nakamuramartin, Paul Darbyshire for highlighting, Richard Browne for information and Archive.org for the scan.


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2 Responses to Unnamed Psygnosis Soccer game

  1. Hey Frank,

    Quick thought on this one – the screenshots, Mode 7 being used to give slight rotation and other camera dynamics, and fast gameplay…

    … could there be a link to the PlayStation game Adidas Power Soccer?

    • Apologies for the delay replying Hank – but it could well be linked to the Adidas Power Soccer game in some shape or form, though there is quite a gap between the two titles. You never know though!

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