
2021 System 3

Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 5

International Karate and IK+ are two titles which helped to really put System 3 on the map, along with of course the Last Ninja series. Archer Maclean did a superb job of creating two wonderful fighting games which got rave reviews in the press – so much so that a sequel was always on the cards.

ikplusplus 7

There were not just one attempt to produce a sequel, but a few over the years. Archer in particular was rumoured to have been working on a IK++/IK Deluxe game for the C64, though later confirmed he never started anything. Then in an interview with Retro Gamer, he spoke of working on an Amiga/ST IK++ where you collected moves.

We’ll take a look at the Amiga/ST development another time, but for now we’ll focus on a much later development from System 3 that caught everyone by surprise when System 3 launched a Last Ninja Collection Kickstarter in 2024.

A new development was started with brand new characters, and was in development around 2020-2021 for the likes of PC, PS5 and Xbox. The project was intended to launch in 2021, but was abandoned after delays and then wanting to hold things back for a special 35th anniversary of IK+.

In the end, the game was discontinued after the passing of Archer Maclean in December 2022, who had been involved with overseeing the design of the game. All that exists is an early, incomplete and buggy (in System 3’s own words) but playable demo. Levels, characters and career mode elements that were planned were not implemented.

As part of the Kickstarter campaign, System 3 released a series of screenshots and cover mock-ups, which we have added here to our gallery. They also created a teaser video showing off the game, where it has multiple different styled characters and up to three fighting at a time. There seems to be the concept of combos and also online multiplayer too. It looks like it could have been a lot of fun, and a shame that it never saw it through to completion.

It is great to see companies being open to sharing abandoned concepts, and hope it long continues. In the future, we hope to learn more about the development and possibly get some input from those involved to share their stories (maybe even see more of the design document and the plans).

Mark has confirmed that we won’t be able to provide a download of the preview (as this would be unfair to backers), but we are able to show screenshots (and will eventually be able to add a video of the demo). Those who purchase a collectors edition of the Last Ninja collection (limited to 7,500 copies) will get access to be able to play the demo. If anything changes in the future, then we will update this page.

With a huge thank you to Mark Cale for permission to include screenshots and details from the Kickstarter and Daniel Ibbertson (Slopes Game Room) for the introduction and arrangement.

Images are reproduced with permission from System 3 and are (c) System 3. For more details on the Kickstarter and how to late pledge, please visit: 


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