1993-1994 Codemasters
Platforms: ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore Amiga, SEGA Mega Drive
Slicks is one of my favourite Commodore 64 racing games of all time, but did you know that there were also conversions on the cards for the other 8-bit platforms, but also the Amiga and SEGA Mega Drive? Unfortunately, all were never to see the light of day.
First off, there was to be a ZX Spectrum edition that was being created by Nigel Speight, which followed the design of the C64 version very closely with similar looking screens. It was previewed by the likes of Sinclair User and Your Sinclair with some decent looking screens. But then nothing seemingly surfaced.
A little while later, Your Sinclair reviewed the Supersports Challenge pack – which was meant to include Slicks and was fully reviewed. The magazine even gave Slicks a final score of 74% in the pack. We believe that it was late in the day, and Codemasters decided to just release it on the compilation instead.
However, it isn’t clear if the pack ever actually made it out the door. At present, no one has come forward with a copy – and so currently the game is still at large. Was it released or not? An Amstrad CPC edition may have been developed too – with an advert included for the pack in Amstrad Action.
Then there was an Amiga version, flagged up to us by Hoagie / Abandonware France and showcased in Joystick magazine in 1993. It looked pretty much like a sooped up version of the 8-bit game, but essentially the same thing. We’re not aware of any other magazines showing off the game and after the short preview – nothing more was ever seen. At present, we don’t know who was behind the conversion.
It then finally gets a bit stranger. In 1994, Australian magazine SEGA MegaZone previewed a development for the SEGA Mega Drive. This time though, the game took on an isometric viewpoint, but was essentially the same game with around 16 tracks and options to customize your car. There were also weather conditions and a league system adding difficulty to the game.
Revealed in the preview was that the development was by none-other than Craig Kelsall, who had worked on a number of Commodore 64 developments – including Crystal Kingdon Dizzy. We hope to learn from Craig what happened to the development very soon.
In the meantime, Craig actually mentioned to us in passing about the development in 2009 – where he revealed he was also behind the Amiga version:
“I started working on an Amiga version of a Codemasters title called Slicks (originally on the C64). Part way through development it was decided to stop work on it and start on a version for the Sega Megadrive.
The theme was changed from F1 to more of a combat racing game. Sadly this, along with other titles, got canned. Codemasters were trying to create a budget market for the consoles. Unfortunately this model just didn’t work. People weren’t going to shell out £15-20 for a budget title.”
So that confirms neither game were complete. Unfortunately when we spoke with Craig, he no longer had any of his developments or code. We’ll try again though and at least to learn more about the Amiga/Mega Drive version.
In the meantime, if you know anything more about any of these developments – please do get in touch!
With thanks to Hoagie / Abandonware France for highlighting the Amiga version, The Codemasters Archive for highlighting the rest of the versions, Craig Kelsall for his input about the Amiga/MD version, Abandonware Magazines, Archive.org and Stephen Stuttard for the scans.