Proprietor of Games That Weren't—a digital archive dedicated to unreleased and cancelled video games, founded in 1999. A passionate software preservationist, contributing to various projects, particularly for the Commodore 64. By day, working as a software/web developer.
A bit back to normality this month, with a lot more new unreleased game entries and updates in our penultimate GTW64 update before the end of 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 8 new entries added Anna, Core, Gape, Pixie and Dixie, Popeye V1, The … Continue reading →
2007 HarmlessLion (Previously Alten 8) Platform: Nintendo DS Cool Herders is a neat unofficial and independently created commercial title for the SEGA Dreamcast that was published around 2005. A Nintendo DS version was put into production, but was sadly never … Continue reading →
A quick post to highlight another C64 title preserved, thanks to the efforts of Allan Pinkerton, who has been slowly helping to recover a large number of unpreserved educational titles for the platform. Today we see the release of Whole … Continue reading →
2002 James Boulton Platform: Game Boy Advance Perplexus Diodomin was a Game Boy Advance title that was in development back in 2002 by James Boulton (code), with graphics done by James (tile graphics), James Barnard (tile graphics and music) and … Continue reading →
1991 Loriciel Platform: PC (DOS) A short entry for now for a PC conversion of the Amstrad CPC, Amiga, Atari ST and Atari Lynx puzzler sequel. Highlighted to GTW by contributor EAD. Plans for the PC seem to be on … Continue reading →
Not an unreleased game entry, but an early demo/prototype of this Commodore 64 graphic adventure game that was released by Ordilogic/Lankhor back in 1989. This was found on a set of disks by Csaba Virag, and was likely sent out … Continue reading →
1991 Nick Pelling Platform: Commodore Amiga Frak! is an absolute classic on the BBC Micro, starring caveman Trogg as you navigated across various trecharous levels with your trusty yo-yo. It is no surprise then to learn that there had been … Continue reading →
2005 SCi Platforms: Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Xbox A short entry to cover an earlier incarnation of Eidos Iteractive’s Urban Chaos: Riot Response. The game began life as a sequel to SWAT: Global Team Strike, before evolving into Roll … Continue reading →
Although the main purpose of Games That Weren’t is to preserve unreleased games, we occasionally try and share preservation efforts of ones which were actually released, but were extremely rare and yet to be preserved. Today we share preservation of … Continue reading →
1984 Parker Brothers Platform: Commodore 64 Not quite a GTW64 entry, but an earlier build of the released Gyruss (a brilliant Konami arcade conversion) for the C64 – recovered thanks to preservationist Ken Van Mersbergen. This prototype dated 2nd May … Continue reading →
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Games That Weren't® is the registered trademark of Frank Gasking.