Proprietor of Games That Weren't—a digital archive dedicated to unreleased and cancelled video games, founded in 1999. A passionate software preservationist, contributing to various projects, particularly for the Commodore 64. By day, working as a software/web developer.
1991 Rainbow Arts Platform: Amiga Just a short entry for now, with thanks to Karl Kuras for the heads up. Many years after the original 8-bit titles, it was announced in The One magazine (issue 29) that after its recent … Continue reading →
1994 Psygnosis Platform: SEGA Mega Drive / Mega CD Many of you may fondly remember the wonderful puzzler Benefactor from Psygnosis back in 1994 for the Commodore Amiga, with its tiny main character that would have parallels with titles such … Continue reading →
2009 Brighty Platform: Commodore Vic 20 Often there is a sad story behind most unreleased games, and this 2009 homebrew development of Q*Bert for the Vic 20 is certainly one of them. A very promising development that was first announced … Continue reading →
1985 Anirog Software Platform: Commodore Vic 20 A short entry for now on what was probably to be Anirog’s last Vic 20 release, and which seems to have never surfaced. A simple quiz game that looks as if it was … Continue reading →
1982 Commodore Platform: Commodore Vic 20 Commodore had released many clones of arcade games on the Vic 20, and this was to be no different. A clone of Phoenix, but one which was never to be. It is believed to … Continue reading →
Jack Attack as a game title for the Commodore 64 (and C16/Plus 4) was a well known dig at Jack Tramiel and his so called “Jack Attacks” that he used to give out to his staff. The red main character sort of looking familiar to the Commodore boss at the time, or so we thought. Continue reading →
1993 Electronic Arts Platform: SEGA Mega Drive Mutant Speed Demons was to be yet another title the Mutant League series on the SEGA Mega Drive, following on from the likes of Mutant League Football and Mutant League Hockey and created … Continue reading →
1983 Melbourne House Platform: Commodore Vic 20 This came as a bit of a shock when Chris Poacher first highlighted on the Vic 20 Facebook group that Melbourne House had advertised a Vic 20 version of Hungry Horace in Personal … Continue reading →
198? Parker Bros Platform: Commodore Vic 20 Is this a vapourware title, or was something feasibly started of this Q-Bert sequel on the Vic? The game’s manual for the Atari platform all but confirms that “Commodore” was due a conversion, … Continue reading →
1998 Black Flag and Vulcan Software Platform: Commodore Amiga and PC By 1998, things were looking extremely bleak for the Amiga platform, but there were people still trying to keep the dream alive. None more so than Black Flag and … Continue reading →
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