Proprietor of Games That Weren't—a digital archive dedicated to unreleased and cancelled video games, founded in 1999. A passionate software preservationist, contributing to various projects, particularly for the Commodore 64. By day, working as a software/web developer.
Well, 2018 went far too quick! It’s been almost a year since our last update, which wasn’t really the intention and isn’t the norm. I had planned to take a few months break and then continue as usual, but unfortunately … Continue reading →
We have one last surprise update for 2017, including a preview of an extremely promising game which could still hopefully be finished and taken out of GTW64. The coder still open to help and suggestions for continuing – can you … Continue reading →
It’s that time of the year again, when we dig out some more findings to present for a large Christmas update. Apologies for the slowness of updates this year, but another project has taken priority of late. I hope this … Continue reading →
Sorry for the lack of updates recently everyone – i’ve been really swamped on another project recently, but we have been preparing for our annual Christmas update, where we have a few bits and pieces for you as well as … Continue reading →
Happy weekend everyone! Thanks to developer Adrian Longland and Retro Gamer magazine regular Paul Drury, we are pleased to present a complete and unreleased game for the ZX Spectrum called “Cloud Hopper”, as part of an upcoming interview with Adrian … Continue reading →
Games That Weren’t is a freely ran project, 100% non-profitable and done in our own free time. To ensure minimum downtime, storing vast amounts of scans, downloads and information we have to pay for proper hosting. UPDATE – All hosting … Continue reading →
Not quite unreleased news, but an improved A06 version of The Quill and Illustrator for the Commodore 64 has recently been preserved, after it being realised that it hadn’t yet been done. Version A05 has been around for a long … Continue reading →
Had another few more bits and pieces come through over the past week or so – so here is another digest of recent updates – including two new full games (Equinox + Soda Shop) that were recovered by Peepo, Tom … Continue reading →
Second update of the year with two new previews added to the site: Escape from London remains added An adventure game due for release for 2013 has now been added in what could be its final state. Full story about … Continue reading →
Just a quick post to put back up the Alligata Master disks and Maniacs of Noise SFX files that we had on the old site. It seemed a shame they were tucked away out of sight – so here they … Continue reading →
DISCLAIMER: We are a non-profit digitisation project, aiming to digitally preserve software and history which would otherwise be lost for good. If for any reason there is anything that you do not wish to be on the website, please contact us for removal.
Games That Weren't® is the registered trademark of Frank Gasking.