About Frank Gasking
Proprietor of Games That Weren't—a digital archive dedicated to unreleased and cancelled video games, founded in 1999. A passionate software preservationist, contributing to various projects, particularly for the Commodore 64. By day, working as a software/web developer.Following on from the exciting launch of the Konix Multi-system emulator and a runnable preview of AMC’89, the guys from the Slipstream: The Konix Multi-system archive have now released the sources which can be grabbed from here: https://github.com/SavourySnaX/AOTMC89 This has … Continue reading →
First of 2013 – whilst browsing through Drax’s work tunes, I spotted a few sets of tunes which were obviously meant for some games that never quite made it. Here are the very quick entries to start with – hoping … Continue reading →
A few bits and pieces have come through right at the death of 2012 – which includes details of another Amiga to C64 conversion that never was called: Leaving Teramis And also David Wightman helped us to confirm some more … Continue reading →
Well, ever since the upgrade of GTW64 was completed – it was straight onto preparing for the Christmas update. No rest for the wicked. Hopefully we won’t disappoint with some big findings to keep you going. Lets kick things off: … Continue reading →
After many months of development and the recent discovery of the remains of AMC’89, the Konix Emulator has finally been completed and the first public version made available. It is a monumental release of an emulator for a console that … Continue reading →
I can’t really add this to GTW64 as a proper entry, but I thought i’d share – as i’m pretty happy at this particular personal finding. After doing some preservation work with the Maverick v5 tool on a problematic disk, … Continue reading →
Just a very quick post to share a few pre-release versions of Hawkeye and Armalyte. Nothing to get too excited about, and the Hawkeye version has already been put out last year – just slightly under the radar. The purpose … Continue reading →
After Jeff Minter recently confirmed at Manchester’s PLAY expo that AMC’89 was long lost from his source disks, it seemed that all was lost. I had even mentioned the conversation to Mark Cambell (web admin for the brilliant Konix archive), … Continue reading →
After many years of saying we were going to update GTW64, it has finally been done! We are very proud to present the newly updated GTW64 site, now becoming part of the main Games That Weren’t website and taking advantages … Continue reading →
The unreleased Megadrive port of Psygnosis’ Bill’s Tomato Game has surfaced once more, this time on Ebay. The game had surfaced previously in 2009, and then things went quiet as the quest went on for the elusive dump of the … Continue reading →