‘Fox’ (C64) game found
An early preview of a C64 game called ‘Fox’ has been found and preserved over at gtw64: Check it out at: http://www.gtw64.co.uk
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 214
An early preview of a C64 game called ‘Fox’ has been found and preserved over at gtw64: Check it out at: http://www.gtw64.co.uk
A new recovery thanks to Retroboy – an unfinished and early bullfighting game for the C64 called ‘La Venganza del Toro’. This has been added today into the GTW64 archives, which you can now check out for yourselves at https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/gtw64/la-venganza-del-toro/ … Continue reading
A while back you may remember when we mentioned the Zap BBC game which was being uncovered by Jamie Woodhouse (Creator of Quak on the Amiga/PC and GBA) which never got released, well Retro Software have recently picked up the … Continue reading
Just had the most fantastic weekend at Retro Collective with my wife, Tasha, giving a talk on Games That Weren’t and the digital preservation of unreleased games over the past 25 years or so. A huge thank you to Neil … Continue reading
We are blessed to have a number of various preservation projects dedicated to unreleased/prototype games, especially with the vast number of platforms out there to try and preserve for. The Hidden Palace have for many years been preserving various prototypes … Continue reading
Following on from the recent recovery of Total Recall V1 – we today take a detailed video look at the prototype, the story of its search and how it was found. Including highlighting of differences from the original Zzap!64 preview … Continue reading
Only a few copies were ever sold of adidas Championship Football in France by Ocean Software. A handful of copies were known to exist, but were yet to be preserved. This changed on the 22nd March thanks to Galahad, with … Continue reading
It wasn’t too long ago when we did a short post on the unreleased Amiga edition of Empire’s CyberSpace. In the meantime, Amiga Games That Weren’t and Adrian Simpson were digging further already and were in touch with much of … Continue reading
Head over to Amiga Games That Weren’t for four new entries! Amiga Putty Squad isnt the only version of that game which wasnt released. aGTWs detour into the world of the Playstation 2 and the unreleased Putty Squad PS2 fills … Continue reading
Following on from the exciting launch of the Konix Multi-system emulator and a runnable preview of AMC’89, the guys from the Slipstream: The Konix Multi-system archive have now released the sources which can be grabbed from here: https://github.com/SavourySnaX/AOTMC89 This has … Continue reading
Thanks to ‘Lifeschool’ for the heads up, where Mark Sibly gave a quick interview to talk about Gloom. Another contributor on the forum gave details of an Australian game in development called “Stop Saddam”.
Amiga Games That Werent dips into the deep pool of unreleased Wolfenstein 3D and Doom clone engines on the Amiga: Alastair M. Robinsons AMRWolf is an early texture-mapped and ray casting engine created using the Amigas Copper Chunky mode and … Continue reading
NOTE: (Frank – 03/09/21) I’ve updated this old 2012 post, as the link was broke. Another quick update with the recovery of a great icon driven adventure game called Angel Of Death 2. This is a very advanced preview with … Continue reading
Atari Mania are on it again, with a Atari 400/800 prototype recovered by John Hardie. This time an Astrology program which was developed in 1982. http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-astrology_42800.html This is what Atari Mania posted about it on AtariAge’s forums: “It seems Astrology was only … Continue reading
Atari Addict landed this weekend, and David Crookes has done an amazing job putting this #Atari special together with many different features across many platforms. We also had the honor of writing the unreleased games segment too! To order, visit: … Continue reading
Over the last week, various prototypes have been saved from a bunch of disks which were found by Mark R Jones, which include the following (clickable links to Atari Mania pages): Starquake 2 (Unreleased) Version 1.3.1992 Version 19.3.1992 Caspar The … Continue reading
Thanks to Fabrizio Bartoloni for the heads up on these 3 Atari ST games which never saw the light of day, including the recently recovered Highway Encounter game (Which is believed to be pretty much complete, though lacking on music). … Continue reading
A quick news post to highlight an Atari 400/800 prototype that has gone under the radar, as reported by Bertrand / Atari Frog. http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-avalanche_42784.html Seems to be essentially the same game, but with some slight differences including: No year displayed … Continue reading
Brandon Cobb of superfighter.com has been in touch to announce the finding and availability of a long lost PC (DOS) fighting game called Battle of the Eras. While a demo of the game was circulated via the BBS’ of the … Continue reading
In the climb in anticipation for the upcoming In Da 80s! event, Dave Moore (Of Stairway to Hell fame) and Peter Edwards have been very busy trying to encourage developers to come along and help create some new games! Well, … Continue reading
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