General Unreleased & Cancelled games (All)

Here you can find all Unreleased and Cancelled video games listed under the category of General.

Total results: 663

We’re back!

After a few months offline, Games That Weren’t is back – with a slightly new lick of paint – though not too dissimilar to the old site. So what happened?… Unfortunately the hosting disappeared and bang went all our content. … Continue reading

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Westwood Studios GTWs

Along our web travels an interview with Australian Gamer Joseph Hewitt, a man involved in Command & Conquer, Dune II, Kyrandia and Lands of Lore, to name a few classics, was discovered and which informed readers about three Westwood games … Continue reading

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Where to find us

Just a reminder that we have various social media outlets, where we also do regular news updates and posts from the site (as well as other prototype and unreleased games communities). If you use one of the following, then please … Continue reading

Posted in: GTW64 news, News | 2 Comments