Drop Soldier

1991 Image Works Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, PC Drop Soldier was a RPG that put you in the shoes of a 1st rank soldier, where you are set a number of night and day missions. You could do missions … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 126
1991 Image Works Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, PC Drop Soldier was a RPG that put you in the shoes of a 1st rank soldier, where you are set a number of night and day missions. You could do missions … Continue reading
1991 Image Works Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Atari ST and PC Yet another title caught up in the collapse of Mirrorsoft in late 1991. A title created by Realtime Software, known for both Carrier and Battle Command. Duster was set in … Continue reading
1992 Imagitec Platform: Commodore Amiga, Atari ST and PC Dwagons is a game which is not too dissimilar in style to the classic Pengo, with the concept of being able to push blocks. The blocks come in various different forms, … Continue reading
Our friends at Atarimania.com have been busy yet again, with preservation of a prototype of Caverns of Mars. This was dumped for the site by John Hardie, and is different from the final release. Not sure how much is different exactly, … Continue reading
1987 CRL Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 A short entry for a title that we believe may have had a Commodore 64 conversion planned at some point. It seems to have been also planned for Amiga, … Continue reading
1991 Expose Software / Synchron Assembly Platforms: Atari ST and Commodore Amiga Eutanasia is a vertical shoot-’em-up that was being created by Synchron Assembly, the Swedish demomakers who wrote Audio Sculpture. It was due to be released under the Expose … Continue reading
1992 Bullfrog Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga and PC Ah ‘Flood’… The memories had with this awesome Amiga game back in the day. With its groundbreaking speech effects throughout, Flood proved to be a big hit on the ST/Amiga back … Continue reading
Bertrand / Atarimania.com has been doing some amazing work recently, now recovering a large number of General Masters Corporation games for the Atari 8 bit platform. There’s a thread here over at AtariAge with more details and links: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/379007-general-masters-corporation NOTE … Continue reading
1992 Marcus Hamilton Platforms: Commodore Amiga, PC and Atari ST A bizarre name for an intriguing puzzle game that was due for release on the Amiga, ST and PC platforms back in 1992. Not much is currently known about the … Continue reading
1987 Codemasters Platforms: Atari 800 and MSX A very short entry for an Atari 800 and MSX conversion of Ghost Hunters that is currently missing. The question is, were either ever started? The game was released on the Commodore 64 … Continue reading
Getting into a bit of a pattern at the moment of doing posts on differences between early previews and final releases of games on a Friday. I’ll see if I can keep it up! Today we take a look at … Continue reading
1991-1995 Ocean Software Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, SEGA Mega Drive and Super Nintendo As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are gradually adding assets and content that didn’t make it to print … Continue reading
1995 Creative Edge Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Atari Jaguar, Atari Jaguar 2 and Atari Lynx A long running Atari Jaguar mystery for some years now, and a game starting out on a completely different platform. Originally Green Thang was shortlisted to … Continue reading
GTW Highlight No.2: Also in December, we made a hugely important discovery from the disks of the late Archer Maclean. The origins of Dropzone were recovered in the form of Defender and Stargate conversions on the Atari 800: https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/2023/12/defender-and-stargate-discoveries/ In … Continue reading
GTW Highlight No.4: In January, we took a look at a complex 3D space simulator called Tantalus for the Amiga, Atari ST and PC from 1991. Due for release in 1992 by Electronic Arts, it disappeared without a trace: https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/2024/01/tantalus/
GTW Highlight No.5: At the end of January, we presented a #PC demo of the lost Battle Bowls, a Puzzle Bobble clone due for release on #AtariST, #Falcon, #Amiga + #PC. Now you could see just how good this puzzler … Continue reading
GTW Highlight No.6: In March, preservation work of Archer Maclean’s disks continued with a look at many arcade concepts that Archer had created on the Atari 800 and sadly abandoned, including an early Robotron development. https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/2024/03/archer-macleans-atari-concepts/ As well as our … Continue reading
GTW Highlight No.12: June was certainly busy, and we did a huge investigation into The Godfather on the Sega Master System + others. It vanished after a rough first cut that wasn’t up to scratch. We made some big breakthroughs … Continue reading
1989 Microdeal Platform: Atari ST According to ST/Amiga Format’s preview of our next unreleased game entry, Guardian Moons had you in the control of a sadistic and psychotic terrorist who has to go around causing chaos and destruction everywhere. The … Continue reading
1989 Imagine Software Platforms: Atari ST and Commodore Amiga I never played the SNK arcade, but remember seeing the terrible Commodore 64 conversion by Sentient Software and wondering just how it got past quality control at Ocean Software at the … Continue reading
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Games That Weren't® is the registered trademark of Frank Gasking.