Mars Cops

1988 Arcana Software Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore 64 Mars Cops is game that we’ve long covered within our C64 archive and we found after a mention A game in Zzap issue 49 on page 3 – listed as … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 9
1988 Arcana Software Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore 64 Mars Cops is game that we’ve long covered within our C64 archive and we found after a mention A game in Zzap issue 49 on page 3 – listed as … Continue reading
1995 Seven Stars Platforms: PC (DOS), Commodore Amiga A neat sounding RPG that was being produced by Seven Stars for the PC and Commodore Amiga back in 1995. The game was highlighted to us thanks to LiqMatrix. Seven Stars was … Continue reading
1992 Sensible Software Platform: Commodore Amiga A sequel to Mega lo Mania was on the cards as early as when the first game was still being written according to Jon Hare in Amiga Power magazine. When the release of the … Continue reading
1992 MicroPlay Software / Empire Platforms: PC and Commodore Amiga The MegaTraveller series were a set of sci-fi role playing games that were produced by Paragon Software for MicroProse and Empire Software. Reviews were however mixed, though the series did … Continue reading
1990 Ultra Games Platform: Commodore Amiga 500 It was announced in January 2021 about an unofficial conversion of the MSX classic Metal Gear to the Amiga – very nearly complete, and should see some kind of release very soon. However, … Continue reading
1994 Ocean Software Platform: Amiga 1200 (and possibly CD32) Mighty Max was based on the popular toys and subsequent cartoon of the time (huge in the US!), and was initially developed on the Amiga 1200 as the primary platform, with … Continue reading
1984-1995 Ashley Greenup/Dee-Kay Systems Platforms: BBC Micro, C64, ZX Spectrum and Amiga It is thanks to Ivan S that it has come to light that a series of Train games created by Ashley Greenup/Dee-Kay Systems are currently missing and not … Continue reading
1994 Millenium Platform: SEGA Mega Drive, Amiga 1200, Amiga CD32 I remember watching old episodes of Mr. Magoo as a kid, a hapless short-sighted old man who always seems to get into comical trouble, but everything always has a way … Continue reading
Following on from the recent console cancellation of Myth covered on the site, team member Grzegorz Antosiewicz got in touch to highlight a series of changes to the Amiga/ST editions of Myth. What follows is based mostly on the text … Continue reading
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