4 Soccer Sims V1


Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Yet another early version of a released game which has never seen the light of day.

4 Soccer Simulators was previously in production by none other than Simon Nicol, working with Said Hassan of Rigels Revenge fame.

According to Said who recently spoke to GTW, him and Simon were assigned the game (A port of a crappy Z80 game) and the conversion was a real "hack and slash" job. Simon apparently was more for living the life than working, and so the game was a pile of crap.

The Darling’s were apparently not very amused with their Codemaster GOLD title, so they scrapped what Simon and Said produced, and brought other people in quickly put together a better game. Not that the released one was any good anyway…

So now it remains to be seen if a piece of Simon Nicol’s long lost work could be uncovered one day. Even if its a pile of tripe, many fans of Simon’s work would probably be curious to see what his conversion was like.

Said has confirmed that he has nothing of the game, so really it is down only to Simon if he still has the game. Said suggests that Simon may wish to forget this game.

A pile of tripe, but we still want to see it… mad :-) …

Contributions: Said Hassan

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2 Responses to 4 Soccer Sims V1

  1. Sadly I used the graphics I was given and wrote the code I was told to write so that it was a direct copy from the Speccy. It was a complete pile of poo but that’s what they wanted. Have I mentioned I hate doing conversions!?

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