Ace Attacker


Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Another briefly mentioned title from the pages of Zzap 64. Ace Attacker was a planned conversion of a Sega Volleyball simulator.

Zzap November 1988 had to say the following…

“Mediagenic have announced the signing of licenses for five SEGA coin-ops, due for release next year… ACE ATTACKER is a volleyball simulation… Moves such as opens, quicks, pack-attacks and feints are available to you…”

Not much was known about the game until we got speaking with David Jolliff recently (of R-Type V1 fame). He mentioned that after R-Type, he was assigned to work on a top down all-directional basketball game for Activision. It was sadly canned along with a load of other games at the time, as it seemed Activision were moving into different times – and the games they had in production didn’t match their vision. After all the messing around, David decided to take a break from the industry.

Clearly, Ace Attacker is a Volleyball simulator – but when trying to find any details of such a Basketball game that matched, we found nothing for Activision. However, we noticed that Ace Attacker seemed to match the description of a top down game. We posed the question to David if it was actually Ace Attacker he was working on, and he confirmed that indeed it was!

So this game was very much in production and had got fairly far before it was unceremoniously cancelled. What about its chances of being recovered? Well David has very kindly offered to go through his source disks in the future, so it is quite possible that Ace Attacker could be saved from obscurity. It’s early days yet, but watch this space!

Contributions: David Jolliff, Ross Sillifant

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Update history

20/09/14 – David Jolliff confirms that he was the creator of the game. Details updated.

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2 Responses to Ace Attacker

    • Ah well, i’ll leave it there anyway. There’s probably not enough ST related materials in the archive to say its a ST Games That Weren’t site, so we’re safe ;-)

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