Alladin’s Cave

Artic Computing

Status: Full Game, Findability: 1/5


When Keith Purkiss got in touch to confirm that he was the developer of Apprentice for Rainbow Arts, he also revealed that he had been involved on a Commodore 64 conversion of Artic Computing’s Alladin’s Cave.

This was a single screen arcade platformer, similar in ways to Manic Miner and also Tales of the Arabian Nights. Ironic really, as Keith’s team also worked on the Spectrum and CPC versions of that game for Interceptor.

This could well be the reason why the game never saw release. Interceptor had complained to Artic that it was a lot like Tales of the Arabian Nights at the time. Keith could not 100% recall, but believed that they had converted the Spectrum graphics and code across, so it was essentially a Spectrum port.

When we first added this entry, Keith felt he no longer had anything of the game. But then in 2024, Keith found all of his work disks, including a full copy of Alladin’s Cave. Games That Weren’t has now fully preserved it, and you can finally play this long lost and complete conversion!

It is very similar to the Spectrum version, but features more colours and a tune that gets quite annoying quickly. You can see why Interceptor were a little miffed too! This game allows you to explore, rather than have to collect all objects and it is a nice early C64 platformer overall.

A lovely surprise to end 2024 and yet another lost game fully recovered. Hopefully in the future we’ll learn why the game was never actually released compared to the ZX Spectrum version.

Contributions: Keith Purkiss, CSixx, Jazzcat, Martin Pugh

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Update history

20/12/24 – Full game recovered!

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