A possibly late licence for The Edge to consider, but The A-Team was a particular game which they had in the pipeline.
There had been previous attempts, such as a poor VCS 2600 version, so maybe there was hope in Edge to deliver the goods of this classic comedy action adventure.
No such luck, as apart from one or two mentions in magazines, nothing ever surfaced of the game, and eventually The Edge went up in a puff of smoke. No screenshots, previews or anything seem to have been mentioned, though if you spot anything, then please let us know!
It is unknown what the game was like, or how it was shaping up. Hopefully someone from The Edge will confirm some details someday. It is possible that Softek had some role to play in the game being produced, but again as with Snoopy & Peanuts, this will need to be chased up.
For now we document and simply include a title which we know was penned for release, but never happened…
Sadly missing from our screens, both Television and C64…