Bandits! is a game which was one of the first written by Graham Blighe, who is famous for writing the fantastic Emlyn Hughes International Soccer for Audiogenic.
The game was written roughly pre-1984 or so and was sent to a variety of companies, but sadly could not get a deal with any of them.
Apparently, the game involved spaceships coming down to earth to steal fruit… very similiar to the Sirius game of the same name (minus the exclamation mark). Thats all that is known about the actual game… no screenshots or anything seem to have ever
surfaced in any magazines.
The only remaining copy was believed to be still with Graham, who seems to keep his old work due to recently passing out his unfinished PC conversion of Emlyn Hughes Soccer to the
excellent http://www.ehis64.net/ project.
And indeed thanks to Graham and http://www.ehis64.net/ , the game was found and released last year. We’ve only just found out thanks to Peter Weighill. But check it out if you haven’t already and finally get the chance to play this long lost game…
The download contains all the original docs and bits from the EHIS website (link above). A big thanks to them for helping to preserve and find the game…
Found at last and case closed…
Contributions: Richard Bayliss, http://www.ehis64.net/ , Andres Djordjalian, Peter Weighill