Code 3


Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

A very short entry, flagged up to us by Fabrizio Bartoloni. This is for a title called Code 3, which may well have been released, but has yet to be preserved.

This is an Italian title that was being sold by by BA.SE s.n.c and was highlighted recently on Andrea Panchetti’s blog.

The game was described as follows:

“Have you ever held another person’s life in your hands? What would you do if you received a desperate call for help? In this situation you will need all your coolness, because a man is dying, and you are the only ones who can help him. To your medical knowledge, but above all to your common sense, the task of solving problems, in the fight against communication difficulties, illness and time. Extreme realism for a game that is also a way to acquire a very useful first aid experience as well as control of a few nerves.”

Hopefully the game can be found some day and crossed off the list for posterity. If you can help find it, please get in touch or with Andrea directly via his blog above.

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