Mentioned in TGM March 1989 Complex was to be a new Palace Software game on the C64 in 1989, and was mentioned in the March issue of The Games Machine.
They described the game as follows: “And for future-shock fans, there’s Complex – a police-training course of a distant century, with 2000AD-style comic book graphics actually created by a comic artist.”
Very interesting. So was this a futuristic Combat School of sorts that never was? Well, we can’t really tell from this very basic description but there seems to be no evidence of the game on any format anywhere. Did this get caught up when Palace went under? Titus certainly never picked it up when they took over Palace, so this may be lost in the midst’s of time.
Maybe you know something about this game, or have even seen an advert somewhere? Just who was behind this game, and how far did it get?
There were at least Amiga/ST screenshots in an issue of The One magazine, but no mention of a C64 version. Was it ever started?
Over to you with this one…
Contributions: Hoagie / Abandonware France,
It’s also mentioned in The One 30 (3/1991) page 32, with two screenshots.
It’s actually mentioned as ST and Amiga (nothing said of a C64 version) in TGM Issue 17/April 1989, described as Joe walkers Complex, a comic-inspired flick screen arcade adventure, featuring an enforcer policeman of the future.Set to appear on ST and Amiga….still in it’s early stages-but release expected late in the summer.
So, there’s the coder and at this stage looks like vapourware as far as any C64 version goes.16 Bit only…..