Covboy’s Quest


Status: No Download, Findability: 4/5

A game which was in development by the same developers who did Mortal Dogfight and Chaos Lands, Coma Software.

It’s very early days yet for this title, with little information being known about the actual game. The only thing we actually know is that the game was never completed due to other interests taking up development time.

In the end the game was cancelled.

However, recently Jazzcat uncovered some screens from the game, including the main character and various screens which would have been used. We have recently added the slideshow to run on the real thing.

It seems the game would have possiblity been a kind of Maniac Mansion SCUMM-style of game, but we are merely speculating at the moment.

Thanks to a contributor… we learn that in Hungary there was a C64 Magazine called CoV (Commodore Világ – ‘Világ’ meaning World). The mag’s mailing section was done by CoVboy who had a very good sense of humor and style, it’s likely that he is the main character in the game. In the magazine was always an illustration about him or his cow. You can check a collection of them (there was a special issue just containing some of these illustrations) at this address: irodalom/CoV/GettoV/gettov. html

So we now know the background to the game, and that it was built around this particular Hungarian character.

As for the game, do you know more about it and could there be something playable to find?…

More to come soon hopefully…

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Contributions: Jazzcat, Morgan

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