

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Cycleburner was the title of a game which was being coded by the sample maestro himself, Cycleburner (Even Scharning) for the Megastyle group. It was highlighted to us thanks to Roy Widding recently in 2014 as a title that not many people have heard of.

The graphics were done by Rune Spaans, and the game had no SID tunes as such – but a series of very cool samples by Cycleburner.

The game was worked on around early 1990, and you had to control a spaceship flying around and blasting enemies in a desert environment. It was looking very promising according to Roy Widding.

Sadly the title was never finished (although a playable preview should exist), as the devs decided to move to the Amiga platform to finish it off. It was never finished on that platform either when Rune was offered a full time job at Funcom as a graphic designer. This was around 1994-95 time.

Roy contacted the developers, and they all believe there is something to find of the game – but Roy also found something of the game himself, and managed to get these screenshots for the first time to be shown!

The code is being examined and improved, and we hope to show you the final remains of what could have been very soon!

Watch this space!

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