Dead Zone


Status: No Download, Findability: 3/5

Deadzone was a conversion of a Spectrum title by Ste Cork back in 1988, and was a vertical scrolling SEU with software sprites for the bullets.

The game was actually completed and featured Martin Holland’s possibly first graphic work.

The game for unknown reasons, never made it into the shops, and Pete Andrew, the game’s programmer does not know either, nor does he have anything of the game today.

All is not lost, with Jeff Gill and Paul Tonge yet to track down and ask more about this title. There is still hope in finding this conversion title.

Not much else is currently known about the game, apart from its existance somewhere…

A complete game floating out there somewhere…

Contributions: Martin Holland, Pete Andrew

Supporting content

Creator speaks

Pete Andrew speaks about work on Deadzone...

"I did indeed work on 'DeadZone' with Jeff Gill. Graphics by Martin Holland, and I think the audio was by Paul Tonge.

This was actually my first ever game, but don't blame it not being released on that ;)

It was a conversion of the Spectrum game of the same name written by Ste Cork (last known whereabouts was Raven). It was a vertical scrolling shooter with 'software sprites' for the bullets, but no multi-plexer or anything else fancy.

I think that this may have been Martins first game as I remember the first spriteset he gave us had over 70 frames for just one enemy. Funny thing is that it probably only took him about half a day to do all 70 frames.

I honestly don't know why it never made it to market, they never really told us if they did/didn't, which you can imagine was very frustrating."

Pete Andrew .

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