A very big thanks to Mauricio Muñoz Lucero for highlighting this one for us. Dr Bazair ’92 is a game which has recently surfaced thanks to the author of Warhawk digging out his unreleased software whilst he develops the new Warhawk game on the DS.
Dr Bazair ’92 is sort of a sequel to both Michael’s other game Tidemarsh, but titlewise a sequel to his game which surfaced on the likes of Your Commodore’s covertape.
This is a great little preview of a game which for reasons unknown was stopped in 1992. It was coming on very well and is a neat sort of Robotron/Spore/Puzzler type of affair with nice graphics and presentation.
It is currently incomplete – as the level sets are not quite complete. There are two versions in the download, one a later version with better graphics and more levels (and easier too). Michael on his forum has said that if anyone wishes to finish things off they can and he has the level editor, some sfx and a highscore bit of code which can be used too.
It would be nice to see someone pick this up and tidy it up a bit, but its great that Michael has preserved things. Hopefully we may get chance to add the level editors and bits to the archive.
We hope to hear a bit more from Michael about the development in the future, but here it is … A great little game!!
More soon on this game we hope…
Contributions: Mauricio Muñoz Lucero, Michael Ware