

Status: Preview, Findability: 3/5

Elaroo is based around an elephant who bounces around various platforms on a pogo stick, while collecting as many coins as possible and bouncing on the heads of enemies to get bubblegum.

I can’t quite make out which game this reminds me most of, though I’m hazarding a guess at Nobby The Aardvark. The graphics are large, and very colourful with some smooth and fast scrolling to match with the bounce of the pogo stick. Musically the game is well catered for, with some nice little jingles and sound effects.

Altogether, this preview consists of around 4-5 levels, each with a bonus level (repeated for each level). The bonus level features an extremely fast scroll, where Eleroo must fly around and collect as many coins as possible, while avoiding a giant creature (like something out of Super Mario World).

In the screenshots is also a quick grab of what seems to be an unreachable level, as the game ends before you can start it, and restarts from level 1. I’m not sure if a programmer can unlock this level or anymore from this preview, which could possibly hold more than it allows to be played.

Juned Wahab and Shaun Pearson were behind the game, and Shaun tells GTW that the game’s main character was derived from CJ the elephant in slightly larger form. Thalamus took a big interest in the game, but sadly Juned Wahab lost interest and it was never completed.

So, it seems that all that exists is the preview here, but Shaun did supply GTW with a demo which contained the unused game logo, which we have taken a screenshot of and stored in the shots pages.

Maybe Juned has a later version of this game, possibly with the unreachable level?

Contributions: Shaun Pearson, Wai, Marcin ''Tenchi'' Świętoniewski

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Update history

21/05/24 – Added clean version of game and tidied up page.

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