A new GTW discovered by Jazzcat recently (plus fixed by Ian Coog), and passed onto GTW.
This is a very early preview by Vibrants, which seems to be a gory but cute Op-Wolf clone of somekind. It’s hard to tell because this preview is at such a early phase.
There is a brief story at the beginning of the game title screen as follows :
“Your girlfriend Cindy has been taken away by the evil king from the planet squarx, you have to get her back before he turns her to his queen with his dark power. You don’t have so much time. There is one problem!! The evil king got alot of murder-robots garding his castle, you have to kill them all before you are able to get through to Cindy and the Evil King!!”
This seems to be where the name ‘Evil King’ came from, though there is no sign of this name given for the actual game on the title screen. We assume though that ‘Evil King’ IS the name.
Really what we have here is all that remains of a game which sadly seems to have been scrapped very early on. Possibly the idea got stale, or even there were “life” things going on which prevented the game being completed.
The game after many years has now been sneaked out to the public to have a look at for the first time. Another concept which has failed. It is not playable, apart from a few seconds satistfaction of blasting some sprites to bits.. then its turn off and possibly wonder what could have been.
Music is by Thomas Mogensen, better known as Drax, and is a cover of Rob Hubbard’s Delta. Not sure if this has been released yet, though HVSC will hopefully confirm.
Its worth a look out of curiosity, but don’t expect loads of thrills here.
It could possibly be seen as a predecessor to ‘Blood’…
Contributions: Jazzcat, Ian Coog