Fire & Forget


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We all may remember the sequel to Fire and Forget coming onto our C64 screens in the early 90’s, but the eagled eyed people out there will have realised that like with the likes of James Pond, only the sequel ever actually got a release.

The first game in the Fire and Forget series was sadly never to be seen on the C64.

C&VG in august 1988 had an advert by Titus which stated that the game was coming soon on all 8-bit home computers, including the C64. A review of the Amiga/ST version stated that the 8-bit versions won’t be appearing for a month or two, but will play very similar to the other versions on the 16-bits. This would remain to be seen I guess.

The Amstrad and Spectrum versions did manage to get out, but sadly the C64 never did surface for reasons currently unknown. You could say that the 16-bit versions flopped, but they didn’t and a sequel did make it instead. Very strange.

This will be an interesting title to try and dig up some information on. Fabrizio Bartoloni made the suggestion that the developer could be Jean-Charles Meyrignac, who did the early Crazy Cars games at the time for Titus. Perhaps he was to re-use the same engine to make the original Fire and Forget?

Contributions: Andrew Fisher, Unknown, Martin Smith, Ross Sillifant, Fabrizio Bartoloni, Peter Weighill, Martin/Stadium64

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Update history

  • 03/12/24 – Another advert added thanks to Martin/Stadium64
  • 18/05/23 – Added advert scan thanks to Peter Weighill
  • 15/03/23 – Added possible lead on developer.
  • 28/05/14 – Added scan thanks to Ross Sillifant
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3 Responses to Fire & Forget

  1. In 1988-1989 Titus released three similar racing games on C64, all of them programmed by Jean-Charles Meyrignac, I would ask him first (he’s on LinkedIn FWIW).

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