
Sven Forstmann

Status: Preview, Findability: 5/5

Following on from Lost Robot 2 is another preview of a game which seems to have not quite made it. Markt & Technik are believed to have been the people who would have published the game, as the name is mentioned in the preview.

What we have here is a truely awesome demonstration/preview of a game where you control a bird or a fly across a Shadow of the Beast style 13 layer parallax landscape. The effect is far greater than Ocean’s Shadow of The Beast, and also includes some impressive colour mixing.

There is not really any gameplay to be found here, but you can move the bird or fly around on the screen (With the ability to switch between players like in Donkey Kong Country). We’re not sure what the aim of the game would have been.

The game was coded in assembly using the Action Reply Monitor, and was ditched. Sven confirmed to GTW64 in 2013 that the game only got this far and was abandoned as he decided to move onto other platforms.

Sadly therefore this game is a case closed!

Contributions: Andreas Wirooks

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Update history

16/12/13 – Coder confirms game was never completed and this was it.

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