
Software Creations

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A very short entry for what we believe was a C64 title in the works by Software Creations, but little else is known at this stage.

In 2023, Tim/Geoff Follin’s music archive was uploaded onto github and made available, where a set of tunes titled “Footloose” were found and recovered. The tunes were compiled up to reveal some new music not heard for over 30 years.

The question now is what the music was intended for. Was there a game called “Footloose” being worked on? And if so, by whom?

Contributor Edwin Drost found some great snippets in a few magazines, where Zzap had printed a tip titled “Foot Loose”, which was just about using a joystick in Port 1 to use your foot to press the spacebar. Commodore Network magazine misinterpreted and thought it was referring to a tip about a game called “Footloose”. Not quite! Funny, so we thought we’d add the scans, just to rule out that they are not referring to an actual game.

If you know anything more about this potential title – please get in touch.

Contributions: Edwin Drost

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Update history

30/07/23 – Added some scans which are unrelated to the game, except by name.

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 3 Comments
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3 Responses to Footloose

    • Great spot! Looks like Commodore Network got this confused as being a tip for an actual game when they borrowed it from Zzap :D I’ll add them to the page anyway, as they are quite funny. Thanks Edwin!

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