A promising early sideways scrolling shooter by Paul Green that I remember well from the screenshots put online and because my friend Jason Kelk was doing some graphic work for it too, along with Andy Vaisey.
After over 10 years since the development, it seems to have completely stalled and been abandoned by Paul – which is a shame, as it looks pretty decent overall.
This seems to be as far as it ever got, though its likely that more level maps/graphics were produced and just not used. We have just added some raw files from Andy and a diary from Paul about the game, though hopefully Paul will shed some light on the development some day, or even come back to it given how popular it is writing C64 games again at the moment. We’ll see.
Supporting content
Available downloads
- frixxion_preview (zip)
- Frixxion-Diary (pdf)
- Preview_Frixxion (zip)
I was also involved in this project. The sprite, background and title screen logo GFX in the download here are all mine.
Extra info and all my GFX data files are available here:
Thanks Andy! Looks like I had listed you in the credits, but not mentioned you in the main body – sorry about that! Now fixed and added Paul’s diary and your graphic files. Thanks for the heads up!