Galactic Software titles

Galactic Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A combined entry for the label that was from the Darling Brothers, before they got more involved at pushing games through Mastertronic (and of course later starting up Codemasters).

Only two C64 titles seem to have been released, Bug Diver and Froggy, though within the inlay of the games are details of yet more games due for release for the C64 (descriptions as taken from inlay):

  • 3D Maze: The ultimate maze game features brain power not fire power. A visually breathtaking 3 dimensional display with a tormenting time factor as the 4th dimension.
  • Robot Mouse: In this futuristic arcade game you collect atomic cheese from the floor of the space maze avoiding the mean malfunctioning robots who kill on contact.
  • Space Shuttle: Test your reflexes to the max as you attempt to rescue psychopathic scientists from the moon. Beware of the hazardous space fragments in this hectic challenge.
  • Neutron Zapper: You pilot one of the best space ships ever built, but that’s no protection in this galaxy. Your survival depends totally on the speed of your reflexes.

Now interestingly, all 4 of the games were released on the Commodore VIC-20, and in particular 3D Maze and Neutron Zapper were later picked up and released by Mastertronic as their early budget titles.

A bit more digging, and when you look at Robot Mouse – you can see that it was rebranded by Mastertronic as Bullet. Space Shuttle it seems wasn’t picked up, but we might be wrong? As a side, Bug Diver and Froggy were seemingly released in the US originally as Paddle Bug and Amphibian by Syrinx Software.

But what of the above 4 titles and their planned C64 release?  Mastertronic never did C64 editions of 3D Maze, Neutron Zapper or Bullet – so what happened?


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One Response to Galactic Software titles

  1. Galactic Software was the Darling Brothers. They had studied in Canada for a while and when back in the UK they started up Galactic Software to sell US/Canadian games. By mail order and also possibly via some deals with UK distributors (which, if so, needs further research). They encoutered the PET while in Canada so they were on the track to make own software, hence the connection to Mastertronic makes sense. The Darling brothers had 50% of the shares in Mastertronic, which they sold in 1986 to start up Codemasters.

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